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Ideal Partners & COVID-19


Message from Ideal Partners regarding COVID-19

At Ideal Partners, the health and safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority. In response to the public health situation related to coronavirus (COVID-19), we are diligently monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as local governing bodies and medical professionals to ensure we are taking the necessary precautions to protect our customers’ health and safety and continue providing our required services.

We will maintain all efforts to service our customers with minimal impact to your daily operations and current higher concerns.   We can schedule in accordance with your requirements and availability.  We want to ensure that your protection and the expected coverage we provide is not jeopardized during this time.  We will evaluate each case and work with you to get your immediate needs addressed while protecting everyone involved and adhering to the changing rules and policies being implemented.

We appreciate your partnership and understanding during this challenging time.

Additional precautionary measures we are taking as a company:

Continuous Excellent Hygiene Etiquette

All of our Ideal team members are following these preventative safety measures:

  • Cleaning our hands often, 20 seconds with soap
  • Using hand sanitizer when available
  • Keeping a safe distance (6feet) from people who are sneezing/coughing
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces
  • Cleaning our workspace with virucide disinfectant

Keeping our Customers safe

  • Before entering a worksite, we will communicate that we’re healthy and ask if our customer is also
  • Instead of shaking hands with a customer, we may say hello with a wave
  • All customers may ask questions regarding the virus and we will answer according to the most recent company update and procedure.

Please contact us should you have any concerns in regards to our services at our office or by email

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At Ideal Partners, the health and safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority. In response to the public health situation related to coronavirus (COVID-19), we are diligently monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as local governing bodies and medical professionals to ensure we are taking the necessary precautions to protect our customers’ health and safety and continue providing our required services.

We will maintain all efforts to service our customers with minimal impact to your daily operations and current higher concerns.   We can schedule in accordance with your requirements and availability.  We want to ensure that your protection and the expected coverage we provide is not jeopardized during this time.  We will evaluate each case and work with you to get your immediate needs addressed while protecting everyone involved and adhering to the changing rules and policies being implemented.

We appreciate your partnership and understanding during this challenging time.

Additional precautionary measures we are taking as a company:

Continuous Excellent Hygiene Etiquette

All of our Ideal team members are following these preventative safety measures:

  • Cleaning our hands often, 20 seconds with soap
  • Using hand sanitizer when available
  • Keeping a safe distance (6feet) from people who are sneezing/coughing
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces
  • Cleaning our workspace with virucide disinfectant

Keeping our Customers safe

  • Before entering a worksite, we will communicate that we’re healthy and ask if our customer is also
  • Instead of shaking hands with a customer, we may say hello with a wave
  • All customers may ask questions regarding the virus and we will answer according to the most recent company update and procedure.

Please contact us should you have any concerns in regards to our services at our office or by email


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LaDainian “LT.” Tomlinson