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Mosquito Mayhem | Ideal Pest Control Fort Worth, TX


Mosquito Mayhem

Mosquito Control

Most of us look forward to the warmer weather and all that comes with it: backyard barbecues, pool days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to drive us inside covered in itchy welts. Reclaim your yard! Why are mosquitoes a dangerous nuisance? And how can we get them out of our yards?


Female mosquitoes are the culprits to our itchy bites with mouths equipped for bloodsucking. When biting, female mosquitoes stick us with two tubes: one to suck our blood; the other to inject saliva into our body with an enzyme to not allow our blood to clot. We do not feel the bite because the actions act as anesthetizes. Most people are allergic to mosquito saliva and this reaction creates the raised, red, and itchy bump on our skin. Female mosquitoes depend on blood to produce eggs.

Transmission of Disease

In the process of sucking our blood, mosquitoes can carry and transmit deadly illnesses. The mosquito-borne diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide, annually. (Note: A large population affected are the children and elderly in developing countries)

 Diseases transmitted:

  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • malaria
  • dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • yellow fever

Is there any benefit to mosquitos?

Mosquito deaths are often given little remorse, but mosquitoes do provide benefits as a food source and as pollinators. Many other species eat mosquitoes, such as fish, dragonflies, bats, and birds. In addition to providing to the ecosystem, mosquitoes aid in pollinating certain plants. Providing for these plants can help with photosynthesis, and in turn, the plants can provide shelter and nourishment for other organisms.

How You Can Stop Mosquitoes

Standing Water

Mosquitoes need water to reproduce. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in or near water, where the eggs hatch, develop and become adults. It is important to inspect and scan your yard and remove or cover anything that can hold water. Even small, unexpected items can collect enough water to welcome new mosquito generations in a matter of days.

“Even the lid of a water bottle could contain enough water to harbor many new generations of mosquitoes.”

-Greg Miller, Ideal Pest Control Entomologist

  • Drill holes in tires and tire swings for proper drainage.
  • Drill holes in the recycling and waste bin for proper drainage. Also, ensure lids are in good condition.
  • Beware of items that can have ‘lips’ on the underneath side that can collect water. Items such as buckets, wheelbarrows, and pots.
  • Cover in-ground drains with hardware cloth to prevent breeding.
  • Fill in low-lying areas where water can collect.
  • Check water water on tarps and plastic covering items.
  • Scrub the birdbath with a brush regularly to remove mosquito eggs.
  • Clean clogged gutters so no water is present.
  • Keep your pool and ponds adequately treated.
  • Check your home for leaky pipes, faucets, hoses, and AC units.

Debris & Lawn Care

Taking care of your lawn and landscaping helps to eliminate shelter, shade cover, and wind protection for mosquitoes. Pick up any debris around your yard, especially under decks. Cut your lawn regularly and thick vegetation to discourage mosquitoes.


It is bad enough that mosquitoes are outside, make sure they do not get into your home. Check that all windows, screens, and doors are tight-fitting and in good repair.

Protect You

When going outside, be sure to wear repellent and cover-up. Dawn and dusk are the most active mosquito windows.

How Ideal Pest Control Can Help

During the busiest mosquito months, we want to help make sure you are protected and able to enjoy your yard. We offer FREE inspections! Our licensed technicians will come to inspect your home for free and then go over treatment plans, recommendations, and pricing. To learn more about our mosquito control solutions, click here.

Request a FREE Estimate (817) 646-7044

or fill out the form –>

Mosquito Control

Most of us look forward to the warmer weather and all that comes with it: backyard barbecues, pool days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to drive us inside covered in itchy welts. Reclaim your yard! Why are mosquitoes a dangerous nuisance? And how can we get them out of our yards?


Female mosquitoes are the culprits to our itchy bites with mouths equipped for bloodsucking. When biting, female mosquitoes stick us with two tubes: one to suck our blood; the other to inject saliva into our body with an enzyme to not allow our blood to clot. We do not feel the bite because the actions act as anesthetizes. Most people are allergic to mosquito saliva and this reaction creates the raised, red, and itchy bump on our skin. Female mosquitoes depend on blood to produce eggs.

Transmission of Disease

In the process of sucking our blood, mosquitoes can carry and transmit deadly illnesses. The mosquito-borne diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide, annually. (Note: A large population affected are the children and elderly in developing countries)

 Diseases transmitted:

  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • malaria
  • dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • yellow fever

Is there any benefit to mosquitos?

Mosquito deaths are often given little remorse, but mosquitoes do provide benefits as a food source and as pollinators. Many other species eat mosquitoes, such as fish, dragonflies, bats, and birds. In addition to providing to the ecosystem, mosquitoes aid in pollinating certain plants. Providing for these plants can help with photosynthesis, and in turn, the plants can provide shelter and nourishment for other organisms.

How You Can Stop Mosquitoes

Standing Water

Mosquitoes need water to reproduce. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in or near water, where the eggs hatch, develop and become adults. It is important to inspect and scan your yard and remove or cover anything that can hold water. Even small, unexpected items can collect enough water to welcome new mosquito generations in a matter of days.

  • Drill holes in tires and tire swings for proper drainage.
  • Drill holes in the recycling and waste bin for proper drainage. Also, ensure lids are in good condition.
  • Beware of items that can have ‘lips’ on the underneath side that can collect water. Items such as buckets, wheelbarrows, and pots.
  • Cover in-ground drains with hardware cloth to prevent breeding.
  • Fill in low-lying areas where water can collect.
  • Check water water on tarps and plastic covering items.
  • Scrub the birdbath with a brush regularly to remove mosquito eggs.
  • Clean clogged gutters so no water is present.
  • Keep your pool and ponds adequately treated.
  • Check your home for leaky pipes, faucets, hoses, and AC units.

Debris & Lawn Care

Taking care of your lawn and landscaping helps to eliminate shelter, shade cover, and wind protection for mosquitoes. Pick up any debris around your yard, especially under decks. Cut your lawn regularly and thick vegetation to discourage mosquitoes.


It is bad enough that mosquitoes are outside, make sure they do not get into your home. Check that all windows, screens, and doors are tight-fitting and in good repair.

Protect You

When going outside, be sure to wear repellent and cover-up. Dawn and dusk are the most active mosquito windows.

How Ideal Pest Control Can Help

During the busiest mosquito months, we want to help make sure you are protected and able to enjoy your yard. We offer FREE inspections! Our licensed technicians will come to inspect your home for free and then go over treatment plans, recommendations, and pricing. To learn more about our mosquito control solutions, click here.

Mosquito Control

Most of us look forward to the warmer weather and all that comes with it: backyard barbecues, pool days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to drive us inside covered in itchy welts. Reclaim your yard! Why are mosquitoes a dangerous nuisance? And how can we get them out of our yards?


Female mosquitoes are the culprits to our itchy bites with mouths equipped for bloodsucking. When biting, female mosquitoes stick us with two tubes: one to suck our blood; the other to inject saliva into our body with an enzyme to not allow our blood to clot. We do not feel the bite because the actions act as anesthetizes. Most people are allergic to mosquito saliva and this reaction creates the raised, red, and itchy bump on our skin. Female mosquitoes depend on blood to produce eggs.

Transmission of Disease

In the process of sucking our blood, mosquitoes can carry and transmit deadly illnesses. The mosquito-borne diseases cause millions of deaths worldwide, annually. (Note: A large population affected are the children and elderly in developing countries)

 Diseases transmitted:

  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • malaria
  • dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • yellow fever

Is there any benefit to mosquitos?

Mosquito deaths are often given little remorse, but mosquitoes do provide benefits as a food source and as pollinators. Many other species eat mosquitoes, such as fish, dragonflies, bats, and birds. In addition to providing to the ecosystem, mosquitoes aid in pollinating certain plants. Providing for these plants can help with photosynthesis, and in turn, the plants can provide shelter and nourishment for other organisms.

How You Can Stop Mosquitoes

Standing Water

Mosquitoes need water to reproduce. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in or near water, where the eggs hatch, develop and become adults. It is important to inspect and scan your yard and remove or cover anything that can hold water. Even small, unexpected items can collect enough water to welcome new mosquito generations in a matter of days.

“Even the lid of a water bottle could contain enough water to harbor many new generations of mosquitoes.”

-Greg Miller, Ideal Pest Control Entomologist

  • Drill holes in tires and tire swings for proper drainage.
  • Drill holes in the recycling and waste bin for proper drainage. Also, ensure lids are in good condition.
  • Beware of items that can have ‘lips’ on the underneath side that can collect water. Items such as buckets, wheelbarrows, and pots.
  • Cover in-ground drains with hardware cloth to prevent breeding.
  • Fill in low-lying areas where water can collect.
  • Check water water on tarps and plastic covering items.
  • Scrub the birdbath with a brush regularly to remove mosquito eggs.
  • Clean clogged gutters so no water is present.
  • Keep your pool and ponds adequately treated.
  • Check your home for leaky pipes, faucets, hoses, and AC units.

Debris & Lawn Care

Taking care of your lawn and landscaping helps to eliminate shelter, shade cover, and wind protection for mosquitoes. Pick up any debris around your yard, especially under decks. Cut your lawn regularly and thick vegetation to discourage mosquitoes.


It is bad enough that mosquitoes are outside, make sure they do not get into your home. Check that all windows, screens, and doors are tight-fitting and in good repair.

Protect You

When going outside, be sure to wear repellent and cover-up. Dawn and dusk are the most active mosquito windows.

How Ideal Pest Control Can Help

During the busiest mosquito months, we want to help make sure you are protected and able to enjoy your yard. We offer FREE inspections! Our licensed technicians will come to inspect your home for free and then go over treatment plans, recommendations, and pricing. To learn more about our mosquito control solutions, click here.

Request a FREE Estimate (817) 646-7044

or fill out the form –>

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