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Fleas vs Ticks | Ideal Pest Control - Fort Worth, TX


Flea vs Ticks

Fort Worth Pest Control, Pest Control, Residential Pest Control

Summer is here, which means that people and pets alike are going outdoors and having fun. With the summer fun, however, comes summer pests. Populations of both fleas and ticks rise in the summer, but they are very different. Here is a quick guide to help you tell them apart, and what you can do about them.


Many people think that ticks are only found in the woods. This is not the case. While ticks do like the tall grasses and thick foliage in the woods, they can really be found anywhere their food can be found (including your body).

Ticks are much larger than fleas, and they don’t have wings. Ticks also can’t jump, but they will latch onto anything edible that gets within their grasp. That’s typically how they end up on people. Ticks are mostly a nuisance, but they can also carry serious diseases. If you’re unfortunate enough to have tick latch on to you, try out our guide for that here. If your yard has a tick problem, the experts at Ideal can help. Explore our pest control plans to see if one is right for you.


If you have a dog, you probably know about fleas. Fleas are small insects that like to live in hair, fur, and clothing. While adult fleas are visible to the naked human eye, they most often just appear as brown specks. They tend to attach to pets

Fleas end up on their hosts by jumping onto them. Fleas don’t have wings and must rely on their excellent jumping abilities to reach their hosts. Once they’re on their host, they will stay there as long as they can. They will live, reproduce, and die on their host as the infestation becomes worse. If you have a flea problem, a pest control plan that can control fleas is a must for your home.

Hopefully, we’ve cleared up the confusion between these two summertime pests. If the summers find your home surrounded by these pests, or if you have pets and want to play it safe, give Ideal Partners a call today for a free estimate on a pest control plan for your home.

Summer is here, which means that people and pets alike are going outdoors and having fun. With the summer fun, however, comes summer pests. Populations of both fleas and ticks rise in the summer, but they are very different. Here is a quick guide to help you tell them apart, and what you can do about them.


Many people think that ticks are only found in the woods. This is not the case. While ticks do like the tall grasses and thick foliage in the woods, they can really be found anywhere their food can be found (including your body).

Ticks are much larger than fleas, and they don’t have wings. Ticks also can’t jump, but they will latch onto anything edible that gets within their grasp. That’s typically how they end up on people. Ticks are mostly a nuisance, but they can also carry serious diseases. If you’re unfortunate enough to have tick latch on to you, try out our guide for that here. If your yard has a tick problem, the experts at Ideal can help. Explore our pest control plans to see if one is right for you.


If you have a dog, you probably know about fleas. Fleas are small insects that like to live in hair, fur, and clothing. While adult fleas are visible to the naked human eye, they most often just appear as brown specks. They tend to attach to pets

Fleas end up on their hosts by jumping onto them. Fleas don’t have wings and must rely on their excellent jumping abilities to reach their hosts. Once they’re on their host, they will stay there as long as they can. They will live, reproduce, and die on their host as the infestation becomes worse. If you have a flea problem, a pest control plan that can control fleas is a must for your home.

Hopefully, we’ve cleared up the confusion between these two summertime pests. If the summers find your home surrounded by these pests, or if you have pets and want to play it safe, give Ideal Partners a call today for a free estimate on a pest control plan for your home.

Summer is here, which means that people and pets alike are going outdoors and having fun. With the summer fun, however, comes summer pests. Populations of both fleas and ticks rise in the summer, but they are very different. Here is a quick guide to help you tell them apart, and what you can do about them.


Many people think that ticks are only found in the woods. This is not the case. While ticks do like the tall grasses and thick foliage in the woods, they can really be found anywhere their food can be found (including your body).

Ticks are much larger than fleas, and they don’t have wings. Ticks also can’t jump, but they will latch onto anything edible that gets within their grasp. That’s typically how they end up on people. Ticks are mostly a nuisance, but they can also carry serious diseases. If you’re unfortunate enough to have tick latch on to you, try out our guide for that here. If your yard has a tick problem, the experts at Ideal can help. Explore our pest control plans to see if one is right for you.


If you have a dog, you probably know about fleas. Fleas are small insects that like to live in hair, fur, and clothing. While adult fleas are visible to the naked human eye, they most often just appear as brown specks. They tend to attach to pets

Fleas end up on their hosts by jumping onto them. Fleas don’t have wings and must rely on their excellent jumping abilities to reach their hosts. Once they’re on their host, they will stay there as long as they can. They will live, reproduce, and die on their host as the infestation becomes worse. If you have a flea problem, a pest control plan that can control fleas is a must for your home.

Hopefully, we’ve cleared up the confusion between these two summertime pests. If the summers find your home surrounded by these pests, or if you have pets and want to play it safe, give Ideal Partners a call today for a free estimate on a pest control plan for your home.

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