How to Avoid Overheating
Summer 2022 has been filled with 100-degree days in North Texas which means we are all feeling the heat. Keeping cool during the summer months is vital to ensuring that you don’t overheat or dehydrate. Here is a quick rundown of what overheating is and what you can do to stay cool.
Heating up
Overheating is a common problem, especially throughout the South where temperatures can reach well into the 100s. Excessive exposure to these high temperatures can lead to different kinds of heat-related illnesses. Some, like heat exhaustion and heatstroke, are serious and can have long-lasting impacts on people.
Keeping cool
One of the most important things to do when it is hot outside is to hydrate, especially if you are going to be outside for an extended time or while doing strenuous activities. Another thing to remember is that drinks high in sodium or sugar aren’t going to be as effective as water in helping you stay hydrated.
Another effective way to stay cool is to avoid the heat. Experts recommend staying inside as much as you can from the peak hours of 10 am-2 pm. It is also important to make sure that your air conditioner is running as effectively as it can. This means check your air filters, overflow pans, and other AC components or you can have it serviced 24/7 by Ideal Partners if it goes out.
It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out on your neighbors. The CDC warns that people older than 65 and young children are at a higher risk of heat-related illness. Keeping children out of hot places like parked cars and keeping an eye on older relatives and neighbors is a great way to help keep them safe.
If your system is not keeping your home as cool as it should, give Ideal Partners a call and we can make sure your AC is running cool or recommend repairs to get it running right. Another option is Ideal’s semi-annual Planned Maintenance Program which is designed to spot problems with your HVAC system before they lead to costly, inconvenient breakdowns. You’ll save money and your system will run better and last longer.